Experiential adventurer.

Corvex Connected Worker

Corvex Connected Safety is a startup organization rooted in the safety industry and IOT space.

Corvex Connected Worker

Brand Development  /  Persona Development  /  Digital Strategy  /  Product Management / Product Design / Etc.

Live Site - http://www.corvexconnect.com / Application - iOS


Corvex Connected Worker is an operational excellence IoT cloud for connecting and managing activity in industrial environments through AI and machine learning. It consists of a web application, mobile application, and various IoT hardware. Job number 1 was to create a cohesive brand, starting with the logo.


Check out the full brand guideline below to see how the Corvex brand was communicated.


We created an extensive symbol-based Sketch design system for the mobile application. The design pattern is anchored on task-based, efficient operation for a busy frontline workforce.

Corvex Description

The web application, which also uses a robust Sketch pattern library, creates an experience where managers and executives can make quick decisions based on immersive visuals around data delivered straight from the shop floor.

Corvex Webapp Hero

Led innovation projects with customers and partners to realize new ways to keep workers safe with technology.

Plug-in Examples

MSD Hand Protection plug-in with Ansell and a Core Temperature solution with Ergodyne.


We helped customers create tangible “points” programs that could be coupled with the fully customizable incentive and leaderboard feature set in the product.

Loyalty Program Example

This was a helmet sticker program we created for Cornerstone Building Brands.


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