Experiential adventurer.


This is the portfolio of Eric G. Hanson. I am a multi-disciplined designer fueled by empathy. I have a depth of experience from my time in the agency world, as well as building digital products and brands from the ground up.

I am a multi-disciplined designer fueled by empathy. I have a depth of experience from my time leading teams in the agency world, as well as building digital products and brands from the ground up.

If you care less about me than you do the work, feel free to skip ahead ;)



I enjoy things like a gnarly problem, clean lines, ample whitespace, depth, good margins, appropriate animation, micro-interactions, box models, a challenging CMS, and my amazing family that keeps me humble.


I am not a fan of clutter, long line lengths, using the phrase “AI” to seem witty, logos made only of text, bumper stickers that aren’t placed correctly, and every single craft beer (don’t judge me … ok, ok, your job is probably to judge me).



I have had the good fortune to call these customers, along with many others, friends over the years.




I've been a presenter at Minnewebcon, helped to establish and then participate in the AIGA UX Committee, been a guest lecturer at the Art Institutes, participated in the U of M design mentorship program, had a blast as an Art Buddy, was an emcee for the Special Olympics, as well as volunteering as a coach for my daughters softball and basketball teams.



In the past, I have written about things share about my experience evolving into a confident, established designer.  I've written about my experience with Art Buddies (sadly archived), interviewing tips for students and how I conquered some serious sketching demons. I also had the good fortune to be featured for the “How I got that job” series on startribune.com.


Award Winning.

Awards are never the goal, but when you get them, it feels great.  I've been fortunate to win awards for the hard work that I've done over the years, including 4 AIGA show awards, 3 AdFed Pushpin awards, a few W3 awards, as well as many others.


Check out my work samples.